John Dowson,
Do you know the Convent on Bayview ave just south of Steeles, east side ? Before that was built it was great party/drinking location. One could drive right down to the Don river. Do you remember what we called that place ?
Do you remember “Fritz the faggot waiter “ who worked the late shift at the Prince Nova ?
What was the name of the drive in restaurant just north of Steeles on Yonge ?
Remember Bobby Taylor and Freddy Stott smashing up their car at Steeles and Bayview while being chased by North Yorks finest( pre metro days). Bayview in those days jogged at Steeles.... They didn’t.
Good News from Norm Ovens, He went to a neuro specialist who gave him a clean bill of health, no sign of a stroke etc. He is quite relieved.
Mussy, that nickname Pops was a good example of clearheaded, clean living, ingenious, creative Willowdale knuckle heads that we were. Thank goodness we grew up........................ lately
Dave D.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Remember these ?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Al Hepburn's 1956 Caddie
Great Great Grandpa Dowson - Mike Dowson
- Mike Dowson
Yonge Street 50s
What ever happened to...?
Comment from John Dowson to Richard Dowson Wednesday, Jan 06, 2010 6:38 PM
Reply from Richard Dowson to John Dowson Saturday, Jan 09, 2010 11:11 AM
The Willow Theatre
I can remember seeing the movie "High Society at least 6 times - with Bing Crosby. That should give you an idea of how long ago that was.
Mr. (Larry) Allen was the manager and projectionist. Marg Durham was the nice lady in the ticket booth. Ron Switzer, another usher, was one of the main guys to "show me the ropes". He gave me my first taste of hard liquor - Rye - from a little spice bottle he carried around in his
John Downson and his brother Chuck also have worked there. I remember one night putting up the letters on the marquee and, for a joke, I started putting my own name up there for the upcoming attraction. As I was up on the ladder I got half way through S T R A T H ... and
heard Mr. Allens voice below say "That's nice, Russ. Now stop fooling around and put up what's supposed to be there" ... or words to that effect. He was a nice guy who never lost his cool.
I used to get to work there on my bike until someone stole it one evening. I told the police. Months later they called me to come into the cop shop on Yonge St. to claim it. Well, all that was left of "my" bike was the frame with the serial number stamped under the seat. The rest was all parts from other bikes. I was devastated.